Saturday, August 11, 2012



Walt Disney along with his brother Roy founded Walt Disney Company on 16th October 1923 in order to create cartoon films. Afterwards, they diversified their production to include live movies as well. Developed into a large multimedia company later, it is located in Burbank in California. Presently, it is the multimedia company that occupies the number one position in the world when it comes to revenue. Even before they diversified into the motion picture scene, they have become very popular with their cartoon fil
Walt Disney Company that acquired its present name only in 1986 has diversified into many areas during the recent past. They operate their studios, cable television networks, television networks and many other businesses. They have licensed and are running 14 theme parks that are scattered all over the world. There are several cartoon characters that have been created by the company during their early days. Mickey Mouse is one of the best known cartoon characters that have also become the mascot of the company.

It all started with Walt Disney when he created the cartoon, Alice in Wonderland in 1923. This was a time when motion pictures did not have sounds. The two brothers started their studio to make this series of cartoon films in their uncle's garage. From then onwards, it was progress nonstop. Today, their studio is one of the most popular studios in Hollywood.

It was in 1954 the company got the idea of developing a place where both parents and children could enjoy fun in one place. In a few years, it became a very popular place of visit for children. Visitors from all over America started coming in. Later, the place got so popular even visitors from other countries were attracted to it. After its opening in July 1955, Disneyland got a major expansion which included it getting the country's first monorail system. In 1965 Disney World was announced and this included the creation of a massive complex that offered all types of entertainment.

Walt Disney, who conceived the idea of creating cartoon series of Alice in Wonderland and subsequently the creation of Disneyland, passed away on 15th December 1966. His brother is the one who became the CEO of the company next. He is the one who changed the name of the company. The Disney World thus became The Walt Disney World as a result. It is the most appropriate tribute to the co-founder of the company who conceived the idea first.

Walt Disney is the man behind the creation of Walt Disneyland. From humble beginnings in 1923 it has become the world's largest multimedia company.

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