Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cultivating Positive Attitude

Working with energy and the power of the mind is the most powerful way to make changes in your life. The principle of the Law of Attraction is based on this and is being used by people from all over the world. It is a simple concept however making this principle work for you can be harder than it seems.

Using Positive Thoughts to Create Change
Positive thinking does work. You will attract back to you the kind of energy that you put out. For example if you thinking angry thoughts then you will attract anger back to you. Once this concept is understood you can begin to control your daily experiences by controlling what thoughts go through your head and what energy you are putting out there.
Believe it or not you are using this principle every single day. The problem comes in when you realize you are not necessarily attracting all of the things that you want which could mean you are not projecting the right kind of energy or thinking positive thoughts.

Not as Easy as it Seems
Thoughts become very habitual and it is not always so easy to change them. You may not even be aware of the thoughts you are thinking half the time. Often when people begin trying to implement positive thinking into their life there are times when they feel like a failure. However I have learned that it is important to stick with it. Once you become fully aware of your thoughts and your energy you will become better and better at learning to control it and work with it.

It Takes a Lot of Practice
Using positive thinking to your benefit does take a lot of practice. It is not just a quick fix as many would like you to believe. It is a way of life and consequently takes a lifetime of continuous practice.
A Little Help Along the Way
There are several ways to improve your thinking habits and energy. The most popular way is to simply make a point of being aware of every thought that goes through your head.
Meditation practice is another great way to incorporate positive energy into your life. Binaural beats are a type of brainwave audio that is also extremely helpful and have made a big difference for me. By incorporating these practices into your habits and your life you will create a new reality that just keeps improving as you get better and better at projecting positive and beneficial energy.
It can be very rewarding to work with your own energy and to realize how much control you have over your own life. I would only suggest that you be patient with yourself and if you need a little help along the way... get it.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

YESSSSSSSSSS!!! Behold The First Issue of Prime Youth Digest!!!!

Featuring wide range of captivating articles,. Want to learn how to speed read or do you even know what your C-Factor is? Its all in the vol. 1 of prime youth digest.
Coming to a school near you  your school very soon!!
Watch out!